How to Find a Job As a Sports Massage Therapist

Finding a Job as a sports massage therapist is usually a very competitive market to try to get into. To get into this field requires that you take the time to plain your job search and know exactly what you want. It is also about doing what you need to do to make it happen and not giving up.

More research is showing that massage can help the performance of professional and amateur athletes. Professional basketball, football and baseball teams are hiring massage therapists. Most jobs in the massage field are subcontractor positions which basically means you have your own business as a sports massage therapist.

You work will involve working with athletes in every stage of training and competition. You will have to have an in depth understanding of how exercise and muscles work to create strength and speed. You will start as a regular massage therapist and will have to go to basic massage school. There are a few schools that will offer extra training in sports massage skills to prepare you for your career. Having extra knowledge of training and things like stretching will also be helpful. You will also study and learn about each sport and what the needs are for people who compete in such activities. You will have to learn about when and how to use the right techniques or you could actually cause the athlete to do worse or even worse get hurt.

You can also work with other athletes who are amateurs and even just weekend participants. High school and college teams as well as Olympic athletes or Masters level athletes can benefit from massage.

To find out how to find or create your own sports massage job visit my website for more information.

Julie Onofrio a licensed massage practitioner in Seattle WA for 20 years and author of the "Massage Therapy Career Guide: The truth about becoming a massage therapist " and "How to Find a Job in Massage". She is also an expert in website development and makes part of her living writing online.

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