Massage Therapy Schools in Tennessee

Those who live in the Southeastern states will discover a lot of great massage therapy schools in Tennessee. But, before you decide to enroll in any of the accredited programs, take a look at what is involved in learning to be a massage therapist in the state.

Like many other states, Tennessee requires massage therapists to be licensed and certified. Applicants must have at least 500 hours of training in massage from a school that is approved by the TN Higher education Commission or the TN Board of Regents. There are many to choose from. The next step is to gain certification from the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB). Any accredited massage therapy school can help you achieve all of these steps to becoming licensed.

Have you given any thought to what you would like to achieve as a professional massage therapist? Will you be seeking a clinical application, such as performing medical therapies in a hospital or rehabilitation clinic; or are you leaning more towards an athletic setting where you could help athletes warm up and cool down? Perhaps your proclivities will lead you on a path towards luxury massages that you can practice in a resort spa or on a cruise ship. Every school teaches a unique curriculum, so these are questions you should ask yourself before you settle on any one school.

It's easy to contact schools on our website and request more information about curriculums, tuition, and duration of specific massage courses. Take a moment today to evaluate your aspirations, and select a few promising Tennessee massage therapy schools to talk it over with.

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Michael Bustamante is a staff writer for Media Positive Communications, Inc. Find Massage Therapy Schools in Tennessee, as well as Schools, Colleges, Universities, Online Schools, and Vocational Schools at, your resource for higher education.

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