Where to Find a Discount Massage Table

If you're looking get a Discount Massage Table that isn't low quality you just need to know where to shop. Many massage therapists who are starting out or rebuilding a practice don't have a lot of money to spend on top of the line massage tables when they are getting started. But a lack of start up capital doesn't mean that you have to sacrifice quality. Being creative about how and where you shop can result in some amazing deals that will give you the quality tables that you want at prices that won't bust your budget. Here are some of the places where experienced massage therapists look when they want to get new discount tables or find great deals on top of the line massage tables:

Natural Food Stores and Co-Ops

Most of the time the local natural food stores and co-ops are places where massage therapists, holistic practitioners, and the people interested in those services gather. They also usually have free community bulletin boards where people place ads for things they want and items for sale. You may be able to find a great price on a table by looking for someone that is selling one through a local community bulletin board. You can also place an ad looking for a Discount Massage Table so that anyone who is selling a table can contact you. Placing an ad on a local community bulletin board is a great way to find a deal on a table.


Freecycle is a national group with local chapters where people post ads looking for items that are free or low cost or announcing items they want to get rid of for little or no cost. A massage therapist who is just starting out can find great deals on massage tables by looking on the local Freecycle website. It might take a little patience and some great timing but great deals on some Discount Massage Table are out there. When you're looking for tables online though make sure that you are always looking locally because the shipping costs for used massage tables can be high.

Discount Holistic Supply Stores

There are online stores that cater to the holistic community and carry commonly used supplies that usually include massage tables of various kinds and massage chairs too. Be sure that any Website you shop on offers free or discounted shipping to avoid getting a nasty sticker shock at the checkout. Compare prices on other Websites too, because often online stores will match other stores prices if they do not have the lowest prices on a particular item.

Are you interested in learning more about Discount Massage Table? Great information and links are available from Jayne's Massage Table website: http://www.massagetablecenter.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jayne_Pleysier

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